Monday, May 13, 2013

Busy Monday!

Such a busy Monday for Campus TV!
We had the first Musical recording for our Annual Concert this year. There will be a lot of dances (as last year musical!) and the recording may be used for backing up the chorus when they have consecutive movements during singing. The tickets of our concert 2013 will be for sale soon!
17 choir members were recording in our CTV studio. 
Discipline Promo shooting for the “Magical 3”! What is the “Magical 3”? Why is it important for our schoolmates? Don’t miss the coming Discipline promo!
Shooting in progress: Discipline Promo for the "Magical 3"! 
Camõedio has completed its recording for the coming program. Stay tuned on our Campus TV for the 17th episode this Wednesday! 
Rehearsing for the recording of Camõedio.

Friday, May 10, 2013

JIS Visit Shooting & more

Our Basic Japanese students had a visit at the Japanese International School this morning. Our Campus TV team followed the students to take some highlights! 

15 P.3-4 team & pre team members attended the training session for the Camera Basics. They have learnt about the shots and angles. 
The shooting of the latest episode of Discipline News took place at the CTV studio at recess. It's about the homework submission record of April. 

Have a nice weekend Camõesians! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Caring Bear on CTV

Our Caring Bear will appear on Campus TV for the first time. Here is a snapshot of Caring Bear shooting in progress for Campus Walker. 

Caring Bear is looking throw the door.
Tiffany is replying to Caring Bear. What are they talking about?